@auth 吴家荣
这篇文章是我在Matrix做内部分享的具体内容。分享时间:2016年12月24日 上午10:30,地点:中山大学数据科学与计算机学院 A319。分享PPT:React技术生态和服务端渲染。此文章是倾向于讲稿的,因此口语化可能比较严重。
A hello world of react¶
- React是一个View层的库
- Browser端的内容,万变不离其宗,最终都要变成JS,CSS,HTML在浏览器端被解析或执行
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <title>Hello World</title> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> </head> <body> <div id="root"></div> <script type="text/babel"> <!-- Your babel react code goes here --> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> // Your javascript code goes here </script> </body> </html>
ReactDom.render( React.createElement('h1', null, 'Hello World!'), document.getElementById('root') );
ReactDom.render( <h1>Hello World!</h1>, document.getElementById('root') );
代码,代码放置的地方也不一样,前者放在<script type="text/babel"></script>
内,后者放在<script type="text/javascript"></script>
框架结合使用,本身不涉及数据管理、状态管理等。从上面的代码中可以看到一个大概,它的做法是,生成一个React Dom
,也就是虚拟DOM,最后把生成的真正的DOM插入到指定的DOM Tree节点中。
这里解析一下虚拟DOM。实现了虚拟DOM的库或架构,可能有不同的实现方案,但大概思路是:通过 element creation 操作,构建虚拟DOM树(virtual dom tree)
成真正的DOM,最后把它插入到DOM Tree
的某个节点中。虚拟DOM技术,还会记录虚拟DOM的状态,当由于某些事件或操作而导致状态发生改变的时候,虚拟DOM会通过 diff computation 操作高效低计算出发生改变的地方,然后通过 patch operations 操作来应用改变,最小代价地触发浏览器的重绘或重排。
初学者对于上面的Babel + JSX
React DOM vs. DOM¶
不可否认,React的火热一定程度上得益于大厂效应,但React确实有过人之处。其中最引人瞩目的一点是,React DOM(也就是React方式的虚拟DOM)与原生DOM的比较。
- 重绘:重绘是一个元素外观的改变所触发的浏览器行为,例如改变visibility、outline、背景色等属性。浏览器会根据元素的新属性重新绘制,使元素呈现新的外观。重绘不会带来重新布局,并不一定伴随重排。
- 重排:当DOM的变化影响了元素的几何属性(宽或高),浏览器需要重新计算元素的几何属性,同样其他元素的几何属性和位置也会因此受到影响。浏览器会使渲染树中受到影响的部分失效,并重新构造渲染树。这个过程称为重排。每次重排,必然会导致重绘。
1. 添加或者删除可见的DOM元素 2. 元素位置改变 3. 元素尺寸改变 4. 元素内容改变(例如:一个文本被另一个不同尺寸的图片替代) 5. 页面渲染初始化(这个无法避免) 7. 浏览器窗口尺寸改变
import react, { Component } from 'react'; class ExampleComponent extends Component { // Mounting constructor() { // do something initialized, set default props or initial state } componentWillMount() { // do something before component mounting } render() { // return the jsx code, it will be the component's dom content, if state changes, it will be rerun } componentDidMount() { // do something after component mounting } // Updating componentWillRecieveProps() { // do something before a mounted component receives new props } shouldComponentUpdate() { // do something before rendering when new props or state are being received } componentWillUpdate() { // do something before rendering when new props or state are being received } componentDidUpdate() { // do something after updating occurs } // Unmounting componentWillUnmount() { // do something before a component is unmounted and destroyed } }
- 组件的
非常重要,组件的动态内容主要依赖这两个属性 - 改变
- 改变
函数改变、 - 组件的
- 组件有多种组合方式,同级组合、父子组合等
- 组件在不同的生命周期,可以触发不同的钩子函数
A game demo of react¶
github: 用React、Redux、Immutable做俄罗斯方块
关键技术:React, Redux, Immutable, Webpack, Babel, Web Audio
由于React是前端View层的库,使用方式十分灵活,可以跟现有的很多库或框架结合使用。也因此衍生了React的技术生态。我们可以通过这个页面一窥究竟:Complementary Tools
- 传统页面应用 or MV*:react + others library or framework
- SPA:react + react-router
- SPA + flux:react + react-router + flux库(Redux等)
- React Native开发跨平台移动应用
- Universal App:Server Side Rendering
- 基于HTML5 history API
- 基于前端
- facebook提出的flux更多是一种设计模式,而不是框架
- flux有多重实现方案,redux是其中之一
- 思路:单向数据流
- 关键点:
Flux is the application architecture that Facebook uses for building client-side web applications. It complements React's composable view components by utilizing a unidirectional data flow. It's more of a pattern rather than a formal framework, and you can start using Flux immediately without a lot of new code.
Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps.
Redux 的灵感来源于 Flux 的几个重要特性。和 Flux 一样,Redux 规定,将模型的更新逻辑全部集中于一个特定的层(Flux 里的 store,Redux 里的 reducer)。Flux 和 Redux 都不允许程序直接修改数据,而是用一个叫作 “action” 的普通对象来对更改进行描述。
而不同于 Flux ,Redux 并没有 dispatcher 的概念。原因是它依赖纯函数来替代事件处理器。纯函数构建简单,也不需额外的实体来管理它们。你可以将这点看作这两个框架的差异或细节实现,取决于你怎么看 Flux。Flux 常常被表述为 (state, action) => state。从这个意义上说,Redux 无疑是 Flux 架构的实现,且得益于纯函数而更为简单。
和 Flux 的另一个重要区别,是 Redux 设想你永远不会变动你的数据。你可以很好地使用普通对象和数组来管理 state ,而不是在多个 reducer 里变动数据。正确且简便的方式是,你应该在 reducer 中返回一个新对象来更新 state, 同时配合 object spread 运算符提案 或一些库,如 Immutable。
虽然出于性能方面的考虑,写不纯的 reducer 来变动数据在技术上是可行的,但我们并不鼓励这么做。不纯的 reducer 会使一些开发特性,如时间旅行、记录/回放或热加载不可实现。此外,在大部分实际应用中,这种数据不可变动的特性并不会带来性能问题,就像 Om 所表现的,即使对象分配失败,仍可以防止昂贵的重渲染和重计算。而得益于 reducer 的纯度,应用内的变化更是一目了然。
- Color Picker Color picker control with single and multiple select
- Responsive Calendar Responsive Calendar for mobile, tablet and desktop
- Mobile date & time picker control Cross platfrom mobile date & time picker control for React.
- Mobiscroll UI components for mobile web and hybrid apps.
- ag-Grid Advanced data grid / data table for React.
- Grommet The most advanced open source UX framework for enterprise applications.
- React Web A framework for building web apps with React.
- React Mdl React Components for Material Design Lite.
- Amaze UI React (in Chinese): Amaze UI components built with React.
- Belle: Configurable React Components with great UX
- Khan Academy's component library
- Elemental UI: A UI toolkit for React websites and apps, themeable and composed of individually packaged components
- Halogen: A collection of highly customizable loading spinner animations with React.
- react-bootstrap: Bootstrap 3 components built with React.
- react-bootstrap-table: It's a react table for Bootstrap.
- react-bootstrap-dialog: React Dialog component for react-bootstrap, instead of
- Topcoat UI Components: Topcoat UI Components built with react.
- react-foundation-apps: Foundation Apps components built with React
- orb: React pivot grid.
- react-topcoat: Topcoat components built with React.
- react-slick: Carousel component built with React
- react-lorem-component: Lorem Ipsum placeholder component.
- wingspan-forms: React library for dynamic forms & grids; widgets provided by KendoUI.
- react-translate-component: React component for i18n.
- newforms: Form-handling library which renders to
components on the client and the server. - react-highlight: React component for syntax highlighting
- react-responsive-mixin: Mixin to develop responsive react components
- react-chosen: React wrapper for Chosen jQuery.
- react-select: Native React Select / Multiselect input field, similar to Selectize / Chosen / Select2
- react-ladda: React wrapper for Ladda buttons.
- react-scroll-components: A set of components and mixins that react to page scrolling.
- react-forms: Form rendering and validation for React
- valuelink: Full-featured two-way data binding and forms validation with extended React links.
- tcomb-form: Automatically generate form markup, automatic labels and inline validation from a domain model
- react-treeview: Easy, light, flexible tree view.
- react-multiselect: Filter and select from a list of items.
- react-date-picker: A simple and reusable datepicker component for React.
- react-textarea-autosize: Like
<textarea />
but resizes automatically to fit all its content. - react-growable-textarea: Resizes
<textarea />
to fit all its content using a css shim (no javascript calculations). - react-input-autosize: Like
<input />
but resizes automatically to fit all its content. - React-TimeAgo A minimal live updating Time Ago component that smartly converts any time to a ‘ago’ or ‘from now’ format and keeps it updated.
- react-maps Embed Google Maps. Supports markers, polylines and programmatic mutation.
- material-ui A set of React Components that implement Google's Material Design.
- storybook-addon-material-ui A storybook addon for material-ui
- Ant Design of React An enterprise-class UI design language and React-based implementation.
- react-tappable A Tappable React Component that provides native-feeling onTap events for mobile React apps
- react-tour-guideA ReactJS mixin to give new users a popup-based tour of your application
- react-contentEditable Example component for contentEditable elements
- react-dnd Flexible HTML5 drag-and-drop mixin for React with full DOM control
- react-autosuggest WAI-ARIA compliant React autosuggest component
- react-document-title Declarative, nested, stateful, isomorphic document.title for React
- react-image: Like
<img />
and Enhanced Image Component for React. - react-intense: A component for viewing large images up close
- react-mq: Easy Media Query Helper for React.
- react-timesheet: Visualize your data and events with sexy time sheet component.
- react-switch-button: Beautiful React Switch button component
- react-amiga-guru-meditation: React JS Class to display a Amiga Guru Meditation Tribute
- react-notification: Snackbar style notifications
- react-swipe-views: React Swipe Views
- react-spreadsheet: React Spreadsheets / Editable tables with Excel-Style keyboard input and navigation
- react-dropzone: React Dropzone for File-Uploads
- react-twitter-typeahead: React auto-suggestion component
- react-sparklines: Beautiful and expressive sparklines component
- Winterfell: Generate complex, validated and extendable JSON-based forms in React
- react-selectize: A stateless & flexible Select component, designed as a drop in replacement for React.DOM.Select, inspired by Selectize
- react-joyride: Create walkthroughs and guided tours for your ReactJS apps.
- react-stamp: Composables for React.
- mobservable-react-buttons: These are rollover buttons with some extra functionality. A more elaborate demo is running at but I don't presently have a repo available.
- UXCore (in Chinese): UXCore UXCore components built with React.
- reactstrap: Simple Bootstrap 4 components built with tether
- Onsen UI React Components: UI components for hybrid mobile apps with both Material Design for Android and flat design for iOS.
- react-pagenav: react pagenav component. [demo]
- React Amazing Grid Flex grid with inline styles.
- Selectivity: Modular and light-weight selection library.
- react-jogwheel: Take control of your CSS keyframe animations with React
- Wijmo React Interop: How to use Wijmo controls in ReactJS apps.
- Wijmo FlexGrid for React: A high-performance datagrid that is small and extensible with ReactJS support.
- Wijmo FlexChart for React: A full-featured chart control with ReactJS support.
- Wijmo Input controls for React: A set of form input controls (AutoComplete, InputDate, InputNumber, InputMask, etc) with ReactJS support.
- Wijmo Gauges for React: Linear and radial gauges and a bullet graph with ReactJS support.
- Semantic-ui: The official Semantic-UI-React integration, Advanced components and declarative UI.
- markdown-to-jsx: compiles markdown into safe React JSX without using dangerous escape hatches
- chartify: Ultra lightweight and customizable React.js chart component
- react-sigma: Lightweight but powerful library for drawing network graphs
React生态:React Native¶
React Native 是一个可以让你仅仅使用JS就能写跨平台移动应用的库。
写法与写React非常类似。同时可以结合Native的代码一起构建Native Application。
import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { Text, View } from 'react-native'; class WhyReactNativeIsSoGreat extends Component { render() { return ( <View> <Text> If you like React on the web, you'll like React Native. </Text> <Text> You just use native components like 'View' and 'Text', instead of web components like 'div' and 'span'. </Text> </View> ); } }
import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { Image, ScrollView, Text } from 'react-native'; class AwkwardScrollingImageWithText extends Component { render() { return ( <ScrollView> <Image source={{uri: ''}} /> <Text> On iOS, a React Native ScrollView uses a native UIScrollView. On Android, it uses a native ScrollView. On iOS, a React Native Image uses a native UIImageView. On Android, it uses a native ImageView. React Native wraps the fundamental native components, giving you the performance of a native app, plus the clean design of React. </Text> </ScrollView> ); } }
from avalon
- SEO问题
- 性能问题(加载时间、打包大小、解析渲染等)
Universal app¶
Isomorphism is the functional aspect of seamlessly switching between client- and server-side rendering without losing state. Universal is a term used to emphasize the fact that a particular piece of JavaScript code is able to run in multiple environments.
Isomorphism: not losing state, rendering everywhere
Universal: no duplication, example: Lodash
, uesed everywhere
Server Side Rendering¶
- 路由问题
- 状态问题
- 数据预请求问题
import { renderToString } from 'react-dom/server';
react + react-router + redux的做法:
import { renderToString } from 'react-dom/server'; // a peice of code renderToString( <Provider store={ store }> <RouterContext { ...props } /> </Provider> ); // a peice of code match({ routes, location }, (error, redirectLocation, renderProps) => { if (error) { res.status(500).send(error.message); } else if (redirectLocation) { res.status(302).redirect(redirectLocation.pathname +; } else if (renderProps) { serverSideRender( renderProps, pugText, store ).then(function (html) { res.status(200).send(html); }, function (error2) { res.status(500).send(JSON.stringify(error2)); }); } else { res.status(404).send(); } });